The Notebook Club

The Notebook Club is one of a kind when it comes to subscriptions. It is not about generating a huge amount of income, it’s not about getting the biggest audience out there or trying to make sale after sale - relying on advertising to continue.

The Club

The Notebook Club is exclusive, it is decadent. It is about delivering excellence over quantity, and it’s about hitting quality targets rather than aiming for a higher gross profit. Why?

SOLEMNIKO is not just another lifestyle brand. It is a luxury artisan brand, as such the aim is to create one-of-a-kind experiences for clients and customers. There are only a certain number of notebooks that can be hand-made at any one time by one person, and since the entire ethos of SOLEMNIKO requires all products to be made in-house, (and Alexandra wouldn’t have it any other way) The Notebook Club only has a maximum of 15 spaces available per year. This ensures that consistent high handmade quality and focus can be put into each subscriber’s seasonal packages.


As well as The Notebook Club being about quality, it is also an intimate celebration of notebooks and the seasonal cycles of the natural world. Alexandra has always loved notebooks, she has always understood the powerful potential of each one, the ways they can be used to record our lives, change our lives, reignite forgotten passions and kickstart new ones.

Notebooks are more than pieces of folded paper folded into signatures and bound together with string, surrounded with linen or leather or printed paper. And that is what The Notebook Club celebrates… where will your notebook take you? What can you use it for? How will it change your life?

The art of handwriting pages, jotting down our thoughts and spending the time to put pen to paper, pencil to paper, crayon, glue or paint is becoming an elusive past time. Whether you use the notebooks in the subscription to keep a daily journal, write the next Nobel Prize winning novel, keep all your favourite recipes in one place, document your journey into life-drawing, or stick polaroids and note down memories of your backpacking holiday on the Appalachian Trail. The choice is entirely yours. And with four notebooks throughout the year in this exclusive subscription you can really experiment with styles, form and design.

Seasonal Living

As well as being a celebration of notebooks and the power of putting pen to paper, The Notebook Club is also a celebration of the natural cycles of the year. It is putting into a product an appreciation for the colours found in hedgerows and the landscapes that we are living beside - often without a second thought.

So The Notebook Club is also about reconnecting with those natural cycles, enjoying the seasonal colours available to us in the landscapes we inhabit - and celebrating the incredible vibrancy in these palettes. All of the designs are inspired by Alexandra’s local landscape in Dorset. A place where she grew up and has since settled after leaving to try and find somewhere that can rival it. In her eyes nowhere else really can.

Not only has Dorset consistently called her back to its enchanting coastline, it has become a space where she finds constant inspiration in every season. From the heather on the heathland of Old Harry’s Rocks, to the Mediterranean blue of the sea on a Summer’s day at Swanage against the canary yellow of gorse flowers upon the cliffs, the different monochromes of the fossils at Charmouth, the sunsets at Durdle Door and night sky at Portland, the shimmering skins of the whitebait in the horseshoe of Lyme Regis, the twilight of an evening swim at Sandbanks.

The Notebook Club invites you to live with the seasons and take a slower approach to the year as it unfolds. Nature does not hurry and yet she is always on time, and so The Notebook Club aims to reflect that pace.


Every January the subscription opens and at the beginning of March it closes. This ensures that for each year Alexandra can focus on the subscribers who have made the deadline - even if all of the places have not been bought.

So how do you go about becoming part of The Notebook Club? It’s really very simple, simply follow this link to the SOLEMNIKO Store and purchase The Notebook Club subscription. If you are finding this later than 05 March then you can either contact Alexandra to be added to the waiting list for next year’s subscriber list, or you can simply wait for December to come around when the subscription will again be opened to new subscribers.

Welcome to The Notebook Club, where exclusivity meets handcrafted artisan luxury.


City Guide: Bath


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