Detective Hook

A full original play I wrote for The Fiery Floods Theatre Company back in 2021. It was an incredibly interesting brief to write as a sequel to the classic Peter Pan story. Full of dark twists and sinister aspects to the traditional 'hero' characters. I've included a section here. Please note all rights to the play including this passage here is owned by Fiery Floods Theatre Company. I just wrote it but I do not own it!

Act II, Scene II

Hook is sitting up at his desk, it’s midnight and there’s no sign of Tiger Lily although some of her things are strewn about the room. He has his maps up near the desk where he can see them and stacks of newspapers, he’s writing notes with a large quill and cigar in his mouth

Hook: now if I went here I’d be able to put him in there. Yes he wouldn’t be able to move, the dirty rat would be completely vulnerable

Enter Tiger Lily

Hook: hello my love

Tiger Lily has got all dressed up and heads to the front door

Hook: where are you off to?

Tiger Lily: somewhere, I’ll be back before dark

Hook: do you want me to come with you?

Tiger Lily: no, no I’ll be fine

Exit Tiger Lily

Hook gets up and goes to the window where he watches her walk away. She gets to the corner, stops, stares at nothing for a few seconds and then runs back. She reaches the door and knocks on it until he opens it 

Tiger Lily: there’s a man outside

Hook: a man?

Tiger Lily: yes a man, just staring at the boat

Hook: where is he? 

Tiger Lily goes to the window and points out: there! There he is!

Hook: darling I can’t see him

Tiger Lily: well I’m not going out again

Hook: are you sure there was someone out there?

Tiger Lily: of course! Do you think I would make something like that up?

Hook: no, no I don’t think so. He stays quiet for a while just thinking I’ll go out and have a look, you stay here

Tiger Lily: no! 

Hook: okay, okay I won’t go. Do you want to go back to bed m’dear?

Tiger Lily: I want to drive the boat

Hook: you want to what?

Tiger Lily: I want to drive the boat

Hook: why do you want to drive the boat

Tiger Lily goes to the door and tries to open it, but Hook’s locked it so she stands there just staring before she turns to him: I want to drive the boat

Hook: well it’s my boat so I don’t think you should

Tiger Lily: why not? I can drive, I drove the Jolly Roger all the way from Skull’s Rock to Mermaid Lagoon

Hook: okay. Well maybe you can drive and when you get your own boat you can drive that, but right now we need to get you into bed

Tiger Lily: yes, yes I’m very tired

Hook: why don’t you – 

Tiger Lily: there she is!

Hook turns around to where Tiger Lily is pointing (the corner of the room): who? Who is it?

Tiger Lily: her!

Hook: there’s no one there

Tiger Lily drops her bag and undoes her coat that she hurls to the floor: nobody believes me, nobody wants me around. I don’t even know why I try, why do I – she falls to the flooramong her coat and bag

Hook: what’s wrong m’dear? What can I do?

Tiger Lily: believe me. There is a man outside and a woman over there, and I can’t get rid of them, I can’t stop them, I can’t – 

Hook: let’s get you into bed

Exit both

The lights inside flicker and on the stage falls a shadow of Tinkerbell from the corner where Tiger Lily pointed for a moment

Enter Hook

Hook: right, remove everything sharp…yes that’s the first thing. He goes and grabs all of the knives in the kitchen and stands there in the middle of the room holding them Now where do I put them? Where do I – what am I doing? What am I saying?! He goes over to the window and stares out, turning he looks at the audience What do I do?


Five Times As Wise


Marie Curie Campaign